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Is It Winter Blues or Major Depression?

Originally published on December 19, 2016 • By Alena Gerst, LCSW, RYT, Topic Expert for

All people, at some point, experience one or more of the symptoms of depression. It is normal for our moods to cycle moderately while we balance demands at work and at home, while coping with short- or long-term illness, or when dealing with a loss such as a death or breakup. Mental health professionals also expect to see fluctuations a little more pronounced during the winter season.

It is encouraging to know that the experience of depression-like symptoms has become normalized. People can more readily acknowledge to their friends and loved ones they are having a hard time and can ask for support without fear of being stigmatized as “weak.” But that happy (pun intended) societal adjustment has also resulted in a frequently casual reference to what may be a more serious condition.

Many people toss around the words “depression” or “depressed” to describe their moods in the moment. You may have heard yourself or someone you know say, “I’m feeling a little depressed today,” and go on to talk about a situation they are working through. So how do you know if you are experiencing a normal mood fluctuation that is typical for the winter months or a major depressive episode?

Typically in the warmer months, we spend more time outside breathing in fresh air and get more sunshine and physical activity. We often socialize more as we get outdoors, rather than hunkering in until the colder weather passes. We also may be more likely to eat healthier as we crave fewer “comfort” foods and spend less time around sugary holiday fare. As a result, we may sleep better. All of these factors may be protective, to some extent, from depression and even the so-called blues.

Enter winter.

Woman standing on a bridge looking out to an ice covered winter lake

If you were feeling good during the summer but notice you are feeling down during the colder months, take a look at your daily routines and see if you can make some adjustments. Can you make an effort to spend more time with friends? Or even bundle up and get outside for a walk? In the winter, many people want to eat warmer, heartier foods and skip things like fresh fruit and salads, which is natural. So how about making stew stocked with veggies and whatever else you like in it instead of mac and cheese? These are just a few ideas to help you pull yourself out of the winter blues.

But what happens when your blues have taken a turn for the worse? When is it time to get professional help? If you experience several of the following symptoms most of the time over about a two-week period, it might be helpful for you to consult with a mental health professional to determine if what you are experiencing is the blues or possible major depression:

  • You feel sad, teary, or irritable most of the time or have frequent unexplainable crying jags.
  • You notice a significant increase or decrease in appetite, weight gain, or weight loss.
  • You have unusual trouble falling asleep or staying asleep (waking up in the middle of the night), or you want/need to sleep all the time.
  • You feel excessive guilt, like you could or should be doing more or that you are not enough at home, with friends, or on the job.
  • You feel tired most of the time, constantly fatigued.
  • You have trouble concentrating, continuously lose your train of thought, or feel uncharacteristically indecisive.
  • You feel an absence of emotion, like a numbness, and your body feels heavy and slow-moving.
  • You don’t want to do things you generally enjoy; you’ve lost interest.
  • You have thoughts of suicide or wonder if your family and loved ones would be better off without you.

It is worth noting that winter blues can also gradually become a cyclical major depressive episode referred to as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). SAD is a subcategory of depression. Symptoms of SAD reflect those of major depression, yet they are a recurring pattern. Most people who have SAD notice their mood takes a downturn in the fall, with the worst of the symptoms occurring during the winter months, and then their mood improves as the days become longer and the weather warmer. (However, there are some who experience SAD during the spring/summer.)

Even if you suspect your depressive symptoms are the result of SAD, it is important to consider seeking help during the colder months. This can be in the form of psychotherapy, lifestyle changes, complementary and alternative treatments, medication, or any combination of those interventions.

Whether you are experiencing the winter blues or suspect you may be struggling with major depression, help is available. Seeking it does not mean you are weak or fragile. These conditions are common, and although it can be hard to recognize while you’re in the throes of them, they are highly treatable. You can and will feel better.

© Copyright 2016 All rights reserved. Permission to publish granted by Alena Gerst, LCSW, RYT, Topic Expert. Read the complete article at

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