Inside Psychotherapy | (917) 310 – 0512 | 119 W. 57th Street NY, NY 10019 | 26 Court St, Brooklyn, NY 11242

Disabilities and Chronic Conditions

How Physical Disabilities, Chronic Health Conditions, and Injuries Affect Mental Health

Were you in a tragic accident that left you with a debilitating physical injury?

Or perhaps you struggle with a chronic health condition that makes every day challenging?

Or maybe you have a physical disability that has always made your daily tasks more complicated than they are for others?

If any of the above scenarios sound like you, anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation are likely all too familiar. Managing physical handicaps, injuries, and chronic illnesses can be hard enough. But when you factor in the mental health challenges that often accompany them, it can feel like an impossible task.

Physical Limitations

Physical and mental health are closely intertwined. Your mental health can affect your physical health and vice versa. Therefore, understanding how your physical health can impact your mental well-being and what you can do to mitigate any adverse effects is essential.

If you have a physical disability, even getting out of bed in the morning or taking a shower can be a chore. On top of that, you may have the pressure of holding down a job, maintaining relationships, and taking care of family and other responsibilities. It’s no wonder that people with physical disabilities are at a higher risk for struggling with their emotional and mental health.

Chronic Illnesses

Chronic illnesses can also take a toll on mental health. Chronic pain, chronic fatigue, and what we often refer to as “invisible disabilities” can be incredibly isolating, especially when it takes energy you simply don’t have to socialize, work, run errands, or leave the house. 

Home garden

The financial burden of chronic illness can also cause stress chip away at feelings of emotional wellness.

Pain bolts graphic


Injuries, both minor and major, can have a significant impact on mental health. An injury’s physical pain and discomfort can be excruciating, making it hard to focus on anything else. In addition, the anxiety and worry that comes with wondering when (or if) the pain will go away can be all-consuming.

Rehabilitation and healing from an injury can be a long and challenging process. Uncertainty, frustration, and fear of never recovering can all lead to feelings of hopelessness.

If you’re dealing with a physical disability, chronic illness, or injury, it’s important to give yourself time to cope, and heal. It’s also essential to reach out for help when you need it.

At Inside Psychotherapy, we understand how physical health challenges can impact mental health. We offer a safe and supportive space for you to work through your feelings, develop coping mechanisms, and build a foundation for a more positive future.

Contact us today to learn more about our services.