5 Techniques to Manage Anxiety in Daily Life
by Alena Gerst, LCSW, RYT Mental health providers are as unique as any human or animal. But one thing most of us can agree on?
The Shame of Anxiety, and How Anxiety Therapy Can Help
By Inside Psychotherapy Anxiety Becomes an Issue When the Feeling Never Goes Away We all feel anxious from time to time, especially with everything that’s
Anxiety Therapy in the Big City
By Madison Weber MHC-LP, Associate Psychotherapist Are you new to a big city? Experiencing an increase in anxiety as the pandemic wanes and big cities
How To Deal With A Debbie-Downer Friend
Ever found yourself standing on the cusp of an idea, about to crack open a long held dream, but you’re feeling ready to take it on? And then what do you do? You pick up the phone and call your nearest and dearest Wet Blanket friend.
What Happens When Your Dreams Come True?
When I moved to The Big Apple in 1998 to pursue my dream of dancing professionally, I was singlemindedly focused on one thing and one thing only: To make it.
5 Ways You Hold Yourself Back (And What To Do About It)
Do you ever hear about someone’s success and wonder, How did they get there? Do you sometimes feel like you’re on the outside looking in?